Need to find a good SEO consultant? Choose wisely!
SEO consultant for a better business website
We are one of Europe's most high-achieving SEO consultancy companies. We've helped thousands of businesses get more ROI from their websites by boosting their Google ranking. We work with you to target your business audience and then we follow good practice and search strategies to optimize your site for organic search results.
Our team of IT experts has been working in the SEO field for more than 15 years so we've developed and learned as SEO methods have evolved. We use our SEO expertise to ensure you have the on-page optimization you need to make your website as search friendly as it can possibly be. What does this involve? We'll audit your website and its internal linking structure, help you identify your most relevant and high-achieving key search terms, then we'll refine your content so that it attracts the right type of visitors for conversion. As SEO specialists, we know you are looking to capture customers who are likely to be genuinely interested in what you offer, not those who will end up on your page for the wrong reasons.
Try SEO Page Optimizer yourself: 1 free analysis per day!
Our SEO consultancy tool will give you answers
If your website isn't on the first page of Google's SERPs yet, you may be wondering why and what you can do to get it there? If you've written your web pages with a sprinkling of target keywords and then hoped for the best, you're unlikely to achieve the SEO results you want. Quality keyword research is your starting point. You then need to structure the content on each page and place the keywords with the correct density in the right positions as a SEO consultant would.
Navigating the route to the top of the SERP rankings
Even if you've managed a place on the second page you'll get few to no visitors. And a place on the third page or subsequent pages will return even fewer. This has been the subject of a major published study on SEO. It proved that those sites appearing on the first page of results in Google receive 91.5% of all visitors who arrive at a website through a search. Those sites on the second page get just 4.8% of these visitors while those on the third page get merely 1.1%.
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How to deliver the content Google likes to read
Google's stated aim is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful". It's there to deliver the most relevant answers to visitors' queries. So your website content has to be well-written and appealing to your human visitors. It has to clearly express the benefits of your service to your users. But it also has to be structured carefully so that Google can recognise its main purpose. That means using the appropriate elements of your page wisely when you write your SEO content.
A few tips on writing content
Think of your content and its structure as a map that Google reads. Your on-page elements are the signposts to Google's crawlers as to how to index each page and therefore which visitors' queries to deliver your page up to. Get those on-page elements (or signposts) right, as a SEO expert would do, and Google will do what you want it to do!
Getting your keywords right for both humans and Google
Most SEO specialists will tell you that the websites that perform well are based around effective search terms or keywords. What are effective keywords? They are either short-tail or long-tail words that browsers are likely to be typing into Google. Google crawls through every web page and assesses how relevant the main text is for a SEO keyword that is typed in for a search. So, as a SEO consultant would, you should always make good use of your significant SEO keywords in the text but don't overuse them. If you do you could prompt Google to see them as spam and allocate the page a lower score and a lower place in the SERPs. Think about your real visitorsand focus on what they are likely to want to read.
Tips for setting out your website content
- Make it easy for your visitors with bite-size information.
- Make good use of bullet points and sub-heads because when we read pages on the web, we tend to scan.
- Think of synonyms for your keywords too - these are words that have the same meaning or that are related: for example, consultant, consultancy, expert, specialist, knowledgeable in etc and use them naturally.
Test your website page content and improve it yourself
We've developed a SEO website tool you can 'drive' yourself to help you get your on-page elements configured according to Google's criteria. It's called SEO Page Optimizer and you can use it now to assess your website pages as a SEO consultant would. We give a free online analysis per day. Using it is like having a personal SEO consultant by your side. You simply upload a web page, type in your target keyword term and the geographical area you're aiming at. It will return you a detailed SEO report. Try SEOPageOptimizer now to re-write your page like a SEO expert.
Your step-by-step platform to a more effective website page
SEO Page Optimizer effectively packages our consultancy knowledge into one easy-to-use platform. The SEO report you receive will break down your page into all the on-page elements that are used by Google's algorithms for indexing. These include your meta-title, meta-descriptions, headings (H1, H2 tags etc), body copy and further elements such as your alt-tags and linked content. If you follow the SEO guidance and re-order your content as the SEO tool advises, you'll achieve a page written to the high standards that a SEO consultant would create. Test out your SEO with SEOPageOptimizer for yourself now.
SEO consultant services to help your website
If you need further SEO consultancy help from one of our SEO experts, we're here to help you with website performance. Get in touch to talk to a consultant. We'll audit your site for SEO and one of our SEO consultants will discuss your specific circumstances and prepare a SEO action plan to boost your website's organic search (SEO) visibility. Email us or call directly at +44 3308 084797.
Call in a consultant for one-to-one advice
We employ SEO consultants who carry out a range of website tasks and who specialise in both on-page (that's the visible content elements) and off-page SEO (that's search engine factors like the links and non-coding elements not controlled by you that influence your page rank and trust factor). We take both a creative and a technical SEO approach to your website. Our aim, as SEO experts, is to assist you in capturing more relevant customers to your website, increase your ROI, and attract you leads that are likely to convert.
Learn about our range of SEO consultant services: get in touch with us here.
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Subscribe to the newsletter series and get the expertise of a SEO consultant
Our newsletters are written in a logical progressive format to teach you about the pillars of website content writing, website marketing and SEM, email campaigns and link building. Sign up and you'll receive regular information bulletins that educate you about how to write the most effective website content.
For our information reports on optimization, subscribe to our newsletter mailing list:
- Getting more customers to your website
- The secrets of Google unraveled
Keyboost: devised by SEO consultants to raise your ranking power
Do you track where your website is in the SERPs results? Is it rising as fast as you would like or are you struggling against the competition?
We've helped hundreds of our customers increase their rankings for a keyword term with our Keyboost tool. If you would like to see its effect, we offer one free Keyboost page per domain name. This test takes about one month, and we keep you posted on the results by e-mail. One small restriction: your website has to be in Google's top 100 for a search with the keyword. To use it for optimization, simply fill in your contact details, page url and the key term you're targeting for search. So if you're eligible, trial Keyboost for SEO now! |
To boost optimization and see your web page rise in the search rankings, click here to trial Keyboost's SEO performance and experience your website ranking higher in Google.
How does it work? Our SEO consultant team researches dynamic link opportunities for you within relevant sites that Google ranks as having a high trust value. You can expect to see your web page improve in the SERPs within a few weeks – Keyboost gets better results than Google Adwords and costs far less. We'll send you a progress report within a few weeks so you can really see the difference Keyboost is making. You can track it yourself from Google Analytics too.
*SEO Page Optimizer Plc gets big results for you both on-page and off-page